Ruin or Relic

Re-thinking the building layers and their life cycles.

Ruin or Relic : A Industrial Project thinking about food waste and the idea of architecture being temporal in nature

Location: East Boston

Year: 2023

The Project focuses on the aspect of life cycles. It deals with the interaction between two forms of architecture. One being permanent in its construction and typology and on the other hand something that decays over time and has the ability to change the we perceive a building and its life cycle.

Food is inherently perishable, and the building's program focuses on storing items with very short lifespans. The primary function is a market, which includes both a cooking area and a marketplace. Consequently, a significant amount of food waste is generated daily.

Transforming waste into building materials involves using biomaterials for building envelopes, insulation, and wall panels. A factory is established within the program to process these materials. The factory remains a permanent fixture, while the processing programs utilize these biodegradable materials




The Strand Theatre